Fujiko Nakaya中谷芙二子

1933 Born in Sapporo
1957 Graduated with Northwestern University with a Bachelor of Arts
1969 Became the Tokyo representative for Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.)
1970 First Fog Sculpture “PEPSI PAVILION”, Expo’70, Osaka

在2館正面的入口廣場,喜恩團隊邀請世界著名霧雕大師創作與訪客互動的藝術《雲朵 #46741》,意味著給所有蒞館的訪客一個竭誠的擁抱。
Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc. invited the world-famous fog sculpture artist Fujiko Nakaya to create an interactive artwork Cloud #46741 at the main entrance of Building II, giving the visitors a sincere welcome.

關於《雲朵 #46741》藝術家中谷芙二子曾在創作理念中寫道:「臺南市美術館,從地平線向上拔升六十公尺,嶄新地矗立在臺南市中心,由古樸的府城景觀所環繞著。整棟碎形建築物,像是甫自移動的地殼中脫穎而出,似乎還在不停地演進中,彷彿一座在市中心噴發的火山,充滿日積月累所蓄積的能量——一座在臺南市中心的山丘⋯有團『雲朵』漂浮在⋯碎形結構山丘裙擺似的山腳邊,其形貌隨著氣象與環境而時刻改變著,而飄動的『雲霧』搭配這生氣勃勃的建築物恰好形成絕美的組合。」
Regarding Cloud #46741 , Fujiko Nakaya wrote in her concept of the artwork: “The new Tainan Art Museum is situated in the centre of the City, rising 60 meters above the ground level surrounded by the aging cityscape of Tainan, the historical capital of Taiwan. The new architecture of fractal formation looks as though it is fledging out of the moving earth, still in the process of evolving. It is like a volcano erupting in the middle of the city with a charged energy accumulating over a long geological period. A mountain in the centre of Tainan City…on the skirts of a Fractal Mountain, a Cloud lies…its form constantly changing in response to the meteorological and environmental conditions of the place it is created in. Cloud is a perfect match for the liveliness of the architecture.”

由此可見,本作品富有濃厚的與民互動的親切性格。所謂「形氣不存、有容乃大」,這是獻給全民嘉賓的一件深藏溫柔質感、艱巨無限包容性的作品。契合美術館五角形屋頂的造型,《雲朵 #46741》將定時從地下隱藏的五角形管線中向空中施放極細微水霧。屆時從高處俯瞰,一朵五角形雲團將從地面緩緩升起。而作品附近的訪客、無分男女老幼,皆可毫無拘束地走進這縹緲的場域裡,舞弄雲霧輕柔的觸感,成為作品的一部份,與藝術家即興創作這千變萬化的藝術。

Fog instantaneously transforms one’s immediate environment into an illusionary moment of losing time/space, making the visible invisible and the invisible visible. It is a dynamic interaction with a natural phenomenon, forming and dissolving through human interactions, the fog ultimately returning to the atmosphere. The volume and duration of fog is programmed from controlling on/off pumps with a real-time timer. The control is not only for aesthetic purposes, but it is also useful for avoiding traffic hazards as well as saving water. A specially designed control system will be installed. This location was selected to be in the passageway to and from the Children’s Museum.

中谷芙二子:「我最終決定以《雲朵 #46741》來為作品命名,我希望能取個能讓小朋友親暱地稱呼它的名字,我覺得『雲朵』是最合適的,他後頭有一串號碼,這是辨識臺南的代碼。孩子們可以呼朋引伴的說:『我們在雲朵那兒玩吧!』、或是『你想一起去雲朵那裡玩嗎?』」
Fujiko said, “I eventually decided to name the artwork Cloud #46741. The code represents Tainan. You can walk into a fog sculpture… Suddenly you are in white darkness and you use all your senses to “see” — a total sensory immersion. Children play games with fog… play hide and seek, tag, who’s who? Ghost, sensory delight is a primary experience.

訪客可想像在雲端漫步、自由飛翔的愜意;於白雲水霧中,延伸這份留白的詩意,時而做心情上的小憩,時而任憑思緒自由昇華,做「內心的再創造」。《雲朵 #46741》在藝術表現上,依其優雅神秘的形態,與完全開放的態度,無限擴張了本案中「天人合一、虛實相倚」概念中「虛」的能量。
People discover fog and engage with it through their own memory and imagination. Fog Sculpture Cloud #46741 is a tribute to nature and, at the same time, an intimate dialogue with one’s inner self.

2015 霧景 #03238聖庫思伯特大教堂,杜倫燈節,英國杜倫
2014 霧雕裝置「面紗」,菲利普・強生的玻璃屋,美國新迦南
2009 霧雕 #46696「與青蛙對談」,桃園展演中心,臺灣桃園(永久設置)
2008 霧瀑布 #47670「雨月物語」,橫濱三年展,日本橫濱
2008 霧雕 #48687「正午」新加坡雙年展,新加坡
2005 「霧之寢-里加 #26422」,拉脫維亞自然歷史博物館,拉脫維亞里加
1999 霧雕 #08025 「F.O.G.」,古根漢美術館,西班牙畢爾包(永久設置)
1992 「濃霧之森」,國營昭和紀念公園,立川/ 東京(永久設置)
1983 霧雕 #94925「一個生態圈」,澳大利亞國家美術館,坎培拉(永久設置)
1980 霧雕「川崎」,比爾·維奧拉,光影藝術節,聲音與霧,日本栃木
1976 霧雕 #94768「地球之語」第二屆雪梨雙年展,澳洲

Major Artworks
2015 Fogscape #03238, Lumiere Durham, England
2014 Veil, The Glass House, New Canaan, Connecticut, US
2009 Fog Sculpture #46696, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2008 Fogfalls #47670 “Tales of Ugetsu”, Yokohama, Japan
2008 Fog Sculpture #48687 “Noontide”, Singapore Biennale, Singapore
2005 Fog Chamber-Riga #26422, for Conversations with Snow and Ice, The Natural History Museum of Latvia, Riga
1999 Fog Sculpture #08025 “F.O.G.”, Museo Guggenheim Bilbao, Spain
1992 Foggy Forest, Children’s Park, Showa Memorial Park, Tokyo
1983 Fog Sculpture #94925: Foggy Wake in a Desert: An Ecosphere, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
1980 Fog Sculpture: Kawaji, Festival of Light, Sound and Fog, Tochigi (collaboration with Bill Viola)
1976 Fog Sculpture #94768: Earth Talk, The 2nd Biennale of Sydney, Australia

2018高松宫殿下纪念世界文化獎 雕塑獎
2016 第八屆円空大賞,日本岐阜
2009 特殊成就獎,日本媒體藝術節
2006 歐盟笛卡兒科學傳播獎入圍
2001 日本通訊部長獎(作品回顧影片)
1993 吉田特獎(濃霧之森)
1990 雷射,洛加諾影展
1976 澳大利亞文化獎(霧雕 #94768「地球之語」)

2018 Praemium Imperiale for sculpture
2016 The 8th Enku Grand Award Exhibition, Japan
2010 The 3rdPublic Art Awards, Taiwan
2009 Media Arts Festival, Special Achievement Prize -Contribution to Media Arts
2006 Descartes Science Communication Prize, nominee, EU Commission
2001 Minister of Communication Award -Artistic contribution to HDTV Programming
1993 Yoshida Isoya Special Award -“Foggy Forest”
1990 Laser d’Or, Locarno Video Festival -Contribution of SCAN
1976 Australian Cultural Award -Fog Sculpture #94768 “Earth Talk”
