Curatorial Concept策劃理念

策劃人 / 陳惠婷
Curator/ Chen Hui-ting
協同策劃人與撰述人 / 李大蕙
Co-Curator/ Lee Dah-hui

臺南市美術館公共藝術目前共有六件作品,分別為臺南市政府文化局委託喜恩文化藝術有限公司進行之《府城藝卷 展翅翱翔》計劃,本計劃中邀請蘇世雄、李再鈐、中谷芙二子與大衛.葛斯坦創作四件藝術作品:《絢爛南國 虹彩夢幻》、《天地人和》、《雲朵 #46741》及《輪飛蝶舞 悠遊時光》;委託日本設計大師原研哉及Noiz創作之《Shadow in Motion》,讓一樓至地下停車場之間形成一神秘空間,自然採光使觀者在移動中感受作品光影的變化;此外,藝術家楊英風先生致贈美術館之作品《分合隨緣》,坐落於美術館戶外廣場,與建築相互輝映,美術館公共藝術透過藝術家的魔法,不同媒材及形式運用的展現,使得臺南市美術館公共空間更添意趣。

Tainan Art Museum Public Art consists of six artworks. Four of them were curated and executed by Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc.: artist Su Shi-xiong’s “A Colorful Southern World”, artist Lee Tsai-chien’s “Heaven, Earth, and Humankind in Harmony”, artist Fujiko Nakaya’s “Cloud #46741”, and artist David Gerstein’s “Good Times”. Tainan City Government Cultural Affairs Bureau also invited artists Kenya Hara and Noiz to create the artwork “Shadow in Motion”, making the path from ground floor to B1 parking lot a magical realm of light and shadow. With Artist YuYu Yang’s gift “Shadow Mirror” to the museum, the six artworks enrich the public space of Tainan Art Museum with each of their aura.




Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc. established brand new art cosmos, “Time and Space” and “History and Nature”, for the Tainan Art Museum Public Art Project. Based inside Tainan Art Museum, Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc. invited four domestic and international artists to join together in the process of deconstructing and creating. The local Tainan and Taiwanese people along with foreigners get the opportunity to experience Tainan’s progress through its artistic richness.

Through public events, people can appreciate the artworks and learn at the same time, enriching people’s life through a cultural and international horizon.

Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc. invited four prominent artists—Lee Tsai-chien, Su Shi-xiong, Fujiko Nakaya (Japan), and David Gerstein (Israel)—to create four artworks sharing history and aesthetics, tailored just for Tainan Art Museum. The artworks are located in the public space in Building I and II, inviting people to immerse in artistic joy.





Art Symphony Weaved by Stream of Consciousness

Tainan Museum Public Art, proposed by Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc., presents Museum Building I and II with double themes: human and history, human and nature.

The master of deconstruction Jacques Derrida used the concepts of differance and deconstruction to cross and dissolve boundaries of different art categories. These concepts lead people to think outside the box, not limiting contemporary art by categories and medium. That is when artists, critics and audience experience the richness in artistic vocabulary and the spark of re-creation during the creation and reading of content.

Adpoting Derrida’s concepts, Shalom Arts curate and connect art with people’s imagination. Streams of consciousness flows between the artworks, Museum Building I and II, bringing the pieces to shine on stage. “Artistic context” and “audience perception” blend in the ecology of time and space, just like a beautiful symphony reverberates through generations.

Double Theme府城藝卷 展翅翱翔:雙主題架構

Building I: Human and History x Time一館:人與歷史 x 時間橫軸




2. 「臺南 · 書寫 / 藝術 · 史詩」


The Concept of Palimpest/ Hidden Script

On the axis of Time, the concept of Palimpsest/ Hidden text is used to deconstruct Tainan, and to put down new chapters of Tainan history.

1. Palimpsest/ Hidden Script

In ancient times, papers were expensive and inaccessible. As a result, people washed off the text from parchment so that the pages could be reused. Some of the previous text may still be visible after being overwritten; some only become legible with the help of ultra violet light.

2. Writing Tainan in the Form of Art and Epic

Tainan is the old capital of Taiwan, which had been through periods of colonization and regime, thus considered the cultural representative of Taiwan. During different regimes, cultures fuse together and are absorbed by the city, giving birth to a marvelous city of history and culture. Regarding literature, art or religion, Tainan is a city rich of Palimpsest, waiting for people to discover its secrets.


緣此,本案在歷史的時間線性上採取帕林普西(Palimpsest)/ 隱跡文本的概念,隱喻「臺南」猶如一卷內容豐富的隱跡文本。喜恩團隊將以藝術為原點,與蘇世雄老師合作,對古往今來臺南與臺灣的歷史人文進行各層面的思考、解構與創新。運用跨域整合、分析探討、拼貼建構等各種藝術形式,展現臺灣文化的光華,拓展臺南與國際藝術界的交流,促成「臺南市美術館」在歷史的長流中定錨為臺灣至關重要的藝術殿堂。


With the birth of Tainan Art Museum, Tainan will be connecting with the world through art, and the landmark of Tainan Art Museum –public art –will be the key to opening this door to the international world.

The master of deconstruction Jacques Derrida used the concepts of differance and deconstruction to cross and dissolve boundaries of different art categories. These concepts lead people to think outside the box, not limiting contemporary art by categories and medium. That is when artists, critics and audience experience the richness in artistic vocabulary and the spark of re-creation during the creation and reading of content.

Adpoting Derrida’s concepts, Shalom Arts curate and connect art with people’s imagination. Streams of consciousness flows between the artworks, Museum Building I and II, bringing the pieces to shine on stage. “Artistic context” and “audience perception” blend in the ecology of time and space, just like a beautiful symphony reverberates through generations.

Building II: Human and Nature x Space二館:人與自然 x 空間縱軸






躍上國際舞台後的二、三百年間,臺南因坐擁進可攻、退可守的天然良港,加上地理適中、腹地肥美、文風鼎盛等優勢,其生命能量有如雄獅般益發興盛,此時臺南已蔚然成為臺灣的政經中心,文化首都。數百年間,府城的榮景,已擴展至海陸兼備、百業崢嶸的空前盛況。可謂 —— 從「海洋」到「陸地」,都是府城揮灑自如的樂園。





Perform the Energy of “Mount up with Wings as Eagles” through Art

Tainan Public Art describes Tainan as an eagle soaring through absorbing the power of culture. Tainan’s development can be divided into three stages: the trilogy of sea, land and sky:

Khun-sin: the Rising Business Giant of the Sea

During the 17th century Age of Discovery, Tainan, with the calm sea of Taijiang and sandbank, was considered the perfect harbor and transition center of international ships. The old Tainan City thus became a business giant of East Asia through its location and prosperity. We can almost say, the sea is the fundamentality of Tainan’s rapid development.

The Old City of Fucheng: the Culture Lion between the Land and the Sea

During the three hundred years of international stage, Tainan had become the economic and political center of Taiwan due to its location, business, culture and economy. It had been the most prosperous era of Fucheng, thanks to the development from sea to land.

Tainan: the Soaring Eagle of Our Generation

With the establishment of Southern Taiwan Science Park, Tainan has entered the list to develop technology. Also, the Taijiang National Park was established in 2009, complying the win-win world trend to balance civilization and nature and showing Tainan’s determination to develop both.

In 2010, Tainan City and County were merged into municipality “Tainan City,” becoming the key developing city of Taiwan. The business and technology industry in Tainan spares no effort to commission the art and culture industry, for example, Chimei Museum, developing a renaissance in Tainan.

Rich cultural assets, diverse natural ecosystems, prosperous technology industry and active administrative momentum are leading Tainan to break through its past and take off with its advantages.

對應臺南始終與時俱進、向上發展的空間場域,「府城藝卷——展翅計畫」定調以向上推升的空間縱軸,來闡述「人與自然」的生態美學,省思「文明/ 環境」、「物/ 我相融」的時代議題。本案在「二館」戶外園區中共安置三件探討「人與自然」的作品,每件皆與「飛翔」或「天地」產生關聯,營造出「天人合一、虛實相倚」的藝術情境,引導民眾從「視覺」、「觸覺」中釋放「意覺」的能量,享受「天、地、人」之間的「真實」與「空靈」,追求飛越有限、開創無限的生命境界。

創造/ 再創造互為主體的公共FREE/FUN互動樂園

「府城藝卷 展翅翱翔」主要的理念之一,即是為訪客塑造一個「創造」與「再創造」互為主體的「FREE/FUN互動樂園」。因此本案的公共藝術園區,具有濃厚的互動特性,是為每位訪客,免費開放的「藝術主題樂園」。


To comply with the development of Tainan within time and space, Tainan Museum Public Art tunes itself as the axis of space developing upwards to discuss the ecological aesthetics of human and nature, and rethink the issues between civilization and environment.

Three artworks addressing human and nature are installed in the public space of Building II. Every piece is linked to the image of heaven, earth, and flying, leading people to interact with the artworks through different senses, to explore the boundaries between abstract and substantial concepts, and to pursue a better enlightenment in life.

Create and Recreate, a Free/ Fun Interactive Park for the Public

One of the ideas of Tainan Museum Public Art is to create an interactive park both free and fun for the visitors. As a result, the public artworks are all interactive in many senses, making the Museum a free art theme park for everyone.

Artist and visitor are of equal status in the Museum. Artworks become the key for interaction between artists, curators, critics and audience. Every artwork creates its own field and brings up interesting discussion with the visitors. People can stroll around the artworks, resting in between the spaces, and rinse their mind through the interaction and meditation of art.



陳惠婷 喜恩文化藝術


陳惠婷 喜恩文化藝術

策劃人 / 陳惠婷


協同策劃人與撰述人 / 李大蕙


葉澤山、陳輝東、蕭瓊瑞、黃健敏、莊凱旋(莊普)、呂理煌、史田康順、顧世勇(107年2月增聘)、 張清淵(107年2月增聘)、薛保瑕(107年1月請辭)、林曼麗(106年4月請辭)

Public Art Executive Committee Yeh Tse-shan, Chen Huei-tung, Hsiao Chong-ray, Huang Jian-min, Chuang Pu, Lu Li-huang, Yasuyori Yada, Ku Shih-yung (February 2018 hired), Chang Ching-yuan (February 2018 hired), Hsueh Pao-shia (January 2018 resigned), Lin Mun-lee (April 2017 resigned)